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Jan 282013

While not specifically genealogy, those who use MAC computers rather than PCs or Linux based machines may be interested to know that there is a Kapiti MAC Users Group, particularly as Don is one of our members.

Genealogy programs may therefore rate a mention – Reunion, iFamily for Leopard, MacFamilyTree, FamilyTreeMaker (can be covered in the existing Family TreeMaker group) being some of the more popular ones, although ALL windows programs may also be used if you use a virtual machine (best of both worlds).

The following is their latest notification:

New Year Greetings to all our Kapiti Mac User Group members. May you remain free from glitches of all kinds!

In sending out this reminder of our first meeting for 2013, the WELMAC Committee has asked us to highlight the increasing interest and involvement with iPads that began this past year.

The main thing to be considered early in the year is a decision on time and place for iPad members to meet separate from our regular monthly and Help Desk meetings.
So we invite all Kapiti iPad users, whether or not you are also a Mac user to come to our first meeting for 2013

Monday 4 February

Lounge of the Kapiti Uniting Parish Church

27 Raumati Road at 7.10pm.

Please advise everyone you know who owns an iPad.

If you are unable to attend but still wish to take part in a special iPad group, contact me ~ Don Niccol at donnic “at” paradise.net.nz or Phone: 04 905 8409
or Shane Gordine at vp “at” welmac.org.nz

Incidentally I have on reserve from the Kapiti Library a book entitled iPad for Seniors.
Hopefully I will be able to read and assess this in time for our February meeting.
Don Niccol

 28 January 2013  Posted by at 9:46 am Uncategorized  No Responses »