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Apply online


Please note that this form should only be used to join Kapiti Genealogy.

General membership enquiries should be made using the Contact Us page instead.

An acknowledgement email will be sent.
Payment may be made by internet banking to BNZ 02-0591-0040791-000 (please include your phone number in the reference field).

If you do not receive this soon after you submit the form, please check your spam folder!

Once your registration details have been matched up with your payment, your log in details will be emailed, and your starter pack despatched with your membership card.

Please note that registration is for an individual, and the email address used cannot already be in the membership database.
If this is likely to be a problem with your registration, click here for the options available to overcome this.

* indicates required field
If you are a member of the NZ Society of Genealogists, please enter your membership number here
Sums over $5 are tax deductible.
I agree that my contact details may be added to the Kapiti Genealogy database and used in accordance with the principles of the Privacy Act 1993
 Posted by on 1 July 2012 at 12:28 pm