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Who Does what

(See Who we are page for Committee list)

CONVENOR – vacant (currently rotated around committee until position filled)
Ensure Branch acts within the Rules and By-Laws of the Society
Overview of Branch and its activities
Chair meetings of Committee and General Meetings of the Branch or delegates as necessary
MC of monthly branch meetings although this could be shared with others
Liaise with KCDC Library Management
Joint contact person with Secretary for Charities Commission
Preparation of Annual Report with Secretary
Represent Branch at Lower North Island Regional Meetings

SECRETARY – Jenny Wilson
Receive & action all correspondence
Official correspondent
Notify members of Meetings in conjunction with Membership Secretary
Circulate agenda of Committee meetings after consultation with committee
Record minutes of committee meetings and General Meetings of the Branch
Signatory to bank account
Post Office Box key holder (not currently held, see Librarian)
Contact person for Charities Commission – annual report due 30 Sep
Maintain liaison with NZSG Council, circulating Committee members with relevant information and furnish reports when and as required. Prepare annual report to NZSG by 1 July.
Assist the Convenor in the smooth operation of the Branch

TREASURER – John Miller
Supervision and recording of all financial matters
Advice to Committee on financial matters
Preparation of monthly and annual accounts
Presentation of annual accounts to AGM and for Charities Commission
Liaison with Auditor
Signatory to bank account

DAY MEETINGS – Denice McCarten
Ensure Day meeting schedule kept up to date and relevant parties informed
Coordinate annual programme with Programmes and Activities coordinator
Ensure day meeting welcome table staffed, with name-tags and sign in book available.
Arrange collection of door charges/subs as appropriate and ensure prompt delivery of to the Treasurer.
WBC key holder

PROGRAMMES AND ACTIVITIES – Ian Brooking backup Denice McCarten
Organisation of annual programme of events and activities
Organisation of orientation sessions at APFHC
Liaison with presenters and host agencies
Meet presenters at monthly meetings, welcome & introduce them, arrange visual aids and other requirements
Arrange for thank you speech and gift
Ensure programme and calendar of events are kept up to date, and relevant parties informed & sites updated
(Committee, Webmaster, Editor, Google calendar, User & Interest Group facilitators)
Ensure all venue bookings are accurately made, coordinating with Facilitators of User & Interest Groups as necessary.
CCC key holder
APFHC cupboard key holder

MEMBERSHIP – Lorna Henderson backup Ian Brooking
Keep membership records including subscription payments and contact details
Notification to Committee, Buddy, Meeting Registrars, Editor of new members
Preparation of membership pamphlets and starter packs
Distribution of communications to members and complimentary newsletter list
APFHC cupboard key holder

LIBRARIAN – Beverley Chappell
Maintenance, purchase, cataloguing, sorting of all printed material and books, magazines, newsletters at APFHC
Wed morning facilitated session roster
Keep a register of attendance at research sessions.
APFHC cupboard key holder
Post Office Box key holder

PUBLICITY – Maureen Robb
Maintain regular contact with local media outlets for releases and stories
Circulate fliers on Branch programme and activities
Liaise with groups and organisations who could help promote Branch activities
Advise Committee on publicity related matters

Receive items for preparation of the monthly newsletter
Prepare, edit and provide newsletter for distribution to members

Point of contact for APFHC computer issues.
Ensure all computers are in working order with the necessary software and consistent programs, browsers, bookmarks etc.
Liaise with technical support and KCDC IT staff as required.
Ensure all systems including microfiche readers and PCs are in good order and arrange for specialist maintenance when required
Ensure user instructions are kept updated.
Hold Branch laptops and backup projector (Lorna Henderson)

RAFFLE ORGANISERS – Jenny Wilson (Evening)/ Rose Demenech (Day)
Organise raffles for monthly evening and day meetings, deposit funds raised to our bank account.

WEBMASTER – Lorna Henderson, backup Ian Brooking

MEETING REGISTRARS – Judy Olsen (Evening meeting) May Redmond (Day meeting)
Maintain set of name tags for all current members (printed by Lindsay Olsen).
Ensure monthly evening & day meetings welcome table staffed, with name-tags and sign in book available.

AUDIO-VISUAL SYSTEMS – Ian Brooking backup Lindsay Olsen
Provide and set up the regular monthly evening meetings with computer/projector/sound requirements.

Coordinate refreshment helpers at meetings
Arrange supply of food and drink at monthly meetings and other activities

TRIP ORGANISER – Kathy Callaghan
Organise and provide publicity for trips to eg National Archives, National Library

Allocated BUDDIES
Contact new member by phone or email.
Confirm new members stage in research (e.g. beginner, intermediate or advanced).
Introduce new members to the resources at the APFHC or suggest they attend a Wednesday morning session at the APFHC.
Make follow up contact with the new member after 3 months to see how they are progressing.
Meet the new member when they attend their first branch meeting and introduce them to other members.
NB The buddy role does not include undertaking research for the new member.


Irish Interest Group –
RootsMagic – Lorna Henderson
DNA – Lorna Henderson
Monthly How-to – Lorna Henderson

Interest Group Facilitator Duties

Coordinate meeting schedule with Programme officers
Liaise with Programme Officers re meeting dates and room bookings
Provide any publicity information to newsletter editor, particularly changes
Collect door charges/subs as appropriate: ensure prompt delivery to the Treasurer.
Maintain any mailing list of interest group members that may be required
Provide and set up the interest group computer/ projector requirements.
Coordinate with equipment officer as required

 Posted by on 27 June 2012 at 10:49 pm