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Jan 292016

Early membership renewals are now being accepted for the 2016/17 year.

As per http://www.kapitigen.org/membership/

our sub remains at $25 for the 1 April 2016 to 31 Mar 2017 year.

Anyone joining from now until the 31st March 2016 when the current year officially ends, will automatically be enrolled for the 2016/17 year.

Payment may be made by cash or cheque (made out to Kapiti Genealogy) handed to a committee member at any meeting, or posted to P O Box 703, Paraparaumu, 5254You may also use internet banking by direct debit to our Westpac account: 03 0732 0263025 00

If paying by internet banking, please remember to include your surname and membership number for identification purposes.

If also a member of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists, please enter your NZSG number in one of the payee/reference fields.

Please allow up to a fortnight for delivery of your new card.

We look forward to your continuing membership and participation in our activities.

 29 January 2016  Posted by at 10:23 am Uncategorized   Add comments