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Dec 202013


Graeme Mackenzie MA [Cantab] the Clan MacMillan genealogist and historian will be visiting New Zealand as a guest of the Clan MacMillan Society of New Zealand. Throughout February he will be travelling from the far North to Invercargill meeting members of the clan and speaking to genealogy groups along the way.

Graeme is a very experienced genealogist, he has just completed writing a book called, “Genealogy in the Gaidhealtachd Clan and Family History in the Highlands” and he will have some copies for sale when he comes to New Zealand.

Graeme developed and maintains the Clan MacMillan website.

His two talks in the Wellington region are:


Saturday 8th February 2014, 10am to 12noon

NZSG Meeting – Guest Speaker

Connolly Hall, Cnr Guildford Terrace & Hill Street, Wellington.


Hosted by the Wellington & Kilbirnie NZSG Branches, Graeme will be speaking on tracing your ancestors in Scotland with special reference to the Highlands. There will be a gold coin door charge and a finger food luncheon following the meeting.


Thursday 13th February 2014, 9.30am to 12.30pm

Waikanae Family History Group Meeting – Guest Speaker

Waikanae Chartered Club, 8 Elizabeth Street, Waikanae.

Hosted by the Waikanae Family History group, Graeme will be the guest speaker and this event is especially for ‘out of Wellington’ Genealogists. Graeme will be speaking on Researching Highland Ancestors in Scotland; Clans, Septs and Surnames. The venue has plenty of parking and is just over the Railway Crossing from State Highway 1 and the Wellington-Waikanae Rail Commuter terminal. Immediately after the meeting, a Catered luncheon will be available for $10. If you wish to partake of the luncheon, you need to contact Hanley Hoffmann, Convenor of the Waikanae Family History Group, hdhoffmann “at” paradise.net.nz Tel. (04) 904 3276 with numbers, preferably by the 24th January. Payment may be made at the luncheon venue.

 20 December 2013  Posted by at 2:16 pm Uncategorized   Add comments