12.10 – 1pm Tuesday 16 July – Personal views of day to day life
GIllian Headifen, Research Librarian, Oral History, will give an overview of how oral history can be used to provide a social history context for family history research.
12.10 – 1pm Tuesday 20 August – Great Uncle Charles and me
Jocelyn Chalmers, Research Librarian Manuscripts, will give an illustrated talk showing how manuscripts from the Turnbull collections can add richness to your research.
12.10 – 1pm Tuesday 17 September – Ko Wai Au – Whakapapa research for beginners
Trish Beamsley, Research Librarian, Māori, will explore some of the key resources available to assist people researching their Māori heritage.
Numbers limited– bookings essential.
Please email outreach2 “at” dia.govt.nz or phone Cellia Joe 462 3935
Venue: Douglas Lilburn Room, Alexander Turnbull Library
Level 1, National Library building, cnr Molesworth & Aitken Street, Wellington
Please note food and drink cannot be consumed in this room,
Further talks are scheduled – see the National Library website for details www.natlib.govt.nz