The Branch is in the process of installing back-issue Branch Newsletters on the Branch website Communications pages, both as an historic record and also to enable Members to check back on past events and articles should they so wish.
The Branch was formed 25 May 1984.
From that date we hold a copy of “Newsletter One” produced late 1984, followed by a few issues up to Feb 1985, then a big yawning gap up to October 1993, from which we have a more or less unbroken run through to the present.
A very small number of our current members belonged to the Branch during some, if not all, of those early formative years, and should they still be holding at least some of those missing 1985-1993 newsletters we would be most grateful if they would be prepared to either donate or lend them to us so that we may extend our website collection.
The dates still required are now on the main Newsletter page, so if you can help us in any way with those still missing in action we would love to hear from you.
If you have hard copies of missing issues, and cannot scan them into a pdf, would you please in the first instance contact: Derek on 293 1092 to arrange collection.
if you are able to convert them to a pdf, please use the Contact form to advise our Webmaster of which issues, and arrange a transfer.