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Jan 122024

Our 2024/25 financial year starts 1st April 2024

New members: If you have not yet done so, please go to our Membership page and complete the form under “apply online”. We need your contact details to supply your card !
New members joining Jan thru March automatically receive membership for the coming financial year.

Subscriptions are currently $30 for the year.

Those wishing to renew their membership may pay by internet banking to our bank account

BNZ 02- 0591-0040791-000

Please put your surname/membership number in the fields available so that your payment can be identified.

If you also belong to the NZ Society of Genealogists, please also provide your NZSG number.

Allow time for the new (blue) card to be delivered.

 12 January 2024  Posted by at 4:10 pm Uncategorized  No Responses »
Feb 222023

Our 2023/24 financial year starts 1st April 2023.

New members should go to our Membership page and either apply online, or download and complete the application form available on that page.
New members joining Jan thru March automatically receive membership for the coming financial year.

Subscriptions are $30 for the year.

Those wishing to renew their membership may pay by internet banking to our bank account

BNZ 02- 0591-0040791-000

Please put your surname/membership number in the fields available so that your payment can be identified.

If you also belong to the NZ Society of Genealogists, please also provide your NZSG number.

Allow time for the new (cream) card to be delivered.

 22 February 2023  Posted by at 12:44 pm Uncategorized ,  No Responses »
Feb 042022

Our 2022/23 financial year starts 1st April 2022.

New members should go to our Membership page and either apply online, or download and complete the application form available on that page.
New members joining Jan thru March automatically receive membership for the coming financial year.

Subscriptions are $30 for the year.

Those wishing to renew their membership may pay by internet banking to our bank account

BNZ 02- 0591-0040791-000

Please put your surname/membership number in the fields available so that your payment can be identified.

If you also belong to the NZ Society of Genealogists, please also provide your NZSG number.

Allow time for the new (pink) card to be delivered.

Your 2021/22 blue card is no longer valid.

 4 February 2022  Posted by at 1:53 pm Uncategorized  No Responses »
Jan 142021

Our 2021/22 financial year starts 1st April 2021.

New members should go to our Membership page and either apply online, or download and complete the application form available on that page.
New members joining Jan thru March automatically receive membership for the coming finanical year.

Subscriptions remain at $25 for the year.

Those wishing to renew their membership may pay by internet banking to our bank account

BNZ 02- 0591-0040791-000

Please put your surname/membership number in the fields available so that your payment can be identified.

If you also belong to the NZ Society of Genealogists, please also provide your NZSG number

Allow time for the new (blue) card to be delivered.

The 2020/21 cream card is no longer valid for accessing our resources at the APFHC.

 14 January 2021  Posted by at 1:40 pm Uncategorized ,  No Responses »
Jan 192020

Our 2020/21 financial year starts 1st April 2020.

New members should go to our Membership page and either apply online, or download and complete the application form available on that page.

Subscriptions remain at $25 for the year.

Those wishing to renew their membership may pay by internet banking to our bank account

BNZ 02- 0591-0040791-000

Please put your surname/membership number in the fields available so that your payment can be identified.

If you also belong to the NZ Society of Genealogists, please also provide your NZSG number.

Alternately, payments may be made by cheque, payable to Kapiti Genealogy, and posted to

Membership Secretary
Kapiti Genealogy
P O Box 703
Paraparaumu, 5254

or handed to a committee member at a meeting.

Allow time for the new (cream) card to be delivered.

The 2019/20 pink card will ceases to be valid for accessing our resources at the APFHC at the end of May 2020.

 19 January 2020  Posted by at 3:25 pm Uncategorized ,  No Responses »
Jan 142019

Our 2019/20 financial year starts 1st April 2019, with the subscription remaining at $25 for the year.

Those wishing to renew their membership may pay by internet banking to our bank account

BNZ 02- 0591-0040791-000

Please put your surname/membership number in the fields available so that your payment can be identified.

If you also belong to the NZ Society of Genealogists, please also provide your NZSG number.

Alternately, payments may be made by cheque, payable to Kapiti Genealogy, and posted to

Membership Secretary
Kapiti Genealogy
P O Box 703
Paraparaumu, 5254

or handed to a committee member at a meeting.

Allow time for the new (pink) card to be delivered.

The 2018/19 blue card is now (22 May 2019) no longer valid for accessing our resources at the APFHC

 14 January 2019  Posted by at 2:57 pm Uncategorized ,  No Responses »
Jan 142018

Our 2018/19 financial year starts 1st April 2018, with the subscription remaining at $25 for the year.

Those wishing to renew their membership may pay by internet banking to our bank account

BNZ 02- 0591-0040791-000

Please put your surname/membership number in the fields available so that your payment can be identified.

If you also belong to the NZ Society of Genealogists, please also provide your NZSG number.

Payments may also be made by cheque, payable to Kapiti Genealogy, and posted to

Membership Secretary
Kapiti Genealogy
P O Box 703
Paraparaumu, 5254

or handed to a committee member at a meeting.

Allow time for the new (blue) card to be delivered.

The 2017/18 cream card remains valid for a while yet – notification of its withdrawal will be in the newsletter in May.

 14 January 2018  Posted by at 5:49 pm Uncategorized ,  No Responses »
Apr 072017

Thank you for your patience with the unavoidable delay in the processing of renewals/new membership cards.

All those who renewed by 31 March should receive their new cards shortly as they are now in the delivery system.

April payments will take a little longer to be processed.

Rest assured that the 2016/17 year card is still accepted at the library, along with the new cream 2017/18 card.

PS when your card arrives, please check that the expiry date shows March 2018 – a rogue page with March 2017 got printed!
A replacement can be arranged by emailing Membership “at” KapitiGen.org with your details.


 7 April 2017  Posted by at 1:27 am Uncategorized ,  No Responses »
Feb 102017

Our 2017/18 financial year starts 1st April 2017, with the subscription remaining at $25 for the year.

Those wishing to renew their membership may pay by internet banking to our NEW bank account

BNZ 02- 0591-0040791-000

Please put your surname/membership number in the fields available so that your payment can be identified.

If you also belong to the NZ Society of Genealogists, please also provide your NZSG number.

Payments may also be made by cheque, payable to Kapiti Genealogy, and posted to

Membership Secretary
Kapiti Genealogy
P O Box 703
Paraparaumu, 5254

or handed to a committee member at a meeting.

Allow time for the new (cream) card to be delivered.

23 May 2017: The 2016/17 pink card is no longer valid for accessing our resources


 10 February 2017  Posted by at 8:20 pm Uncategorized ,  No Responses »
Jan 292016

Early membership renewals are now being accepted for the 2016/17 year.

As per http://www.kapitigen.org/membership/

our sub remains at $25 for the 1 April 2016 to 31 Mar 2017 year.

Anyone joining from now until the 31st March 2016 when the current year officially ends, will automatically be enrolled for the 2016/17 year.

Payment may be made by cash or cheque (made out to Kapiti Genealogy) handed to a committee member at any meeting, or posted to P O Box 703, Paraparaumu, 5254You may also use internet banking by direct debit to our Westpac account: 03 0732 0263025 00

If paying by internet banking, please remember to include your surname and membership number for identification purposes.

If also a member of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists, please enter your NZSG number in one of the payee/reference fields.

Please allow up to a fortnight for delivery of your new card.

We look forward to your continuing membership and participation in our activities.

 29 January 2016  Posted by at 10:23 am Uncategorized  No Responses »