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Newsletters for 2024

Financial members receive an emailed copy of our monthly newsletters.

It is also available to all on our website.

Please note that all newsletters are in pdf format. Your browser should be able to open these automatically.

All links and email addresses in the documents should be “clickable” to take you to either the website being referred to, or to your email program to send an email.
Email addresses however are slightly disguised to prevent them being harvested by spammers. Before hitting the send button to send your email, remove one of the @ symbols, and any spaces or quotes in the To: address.
Otherwise, copy and paste the address provided, replacing the “at”, and any spaces either side, with the @ symbol.

Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug,

 Posted by at 2:09 pm Comments Off on 2024



Newsletters for 2023

Financial members  may elect to receive their copy of the newsletter as an attachment or simply be notified that it has been posted on the web.

Sign in to this website and update your profile with your desired option.

Please note that all newsletters are in pdf format. Your browser should be able to open these automatically.

All links and email addresses in the documents should be “clickable” to take you to either the website being referred to, or to your email program to send an email.
Email addresses however are slightly disguised to prevent them being harvested by spammers. Before hitting the send button to send your email, remove one of the @ symbols, and any spaces or quotes in the To: address.
Otherwise, copy and paste the address provided, replacing the “at”, and any spaces either side, with the @ symbol.

Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov.

 Posted by at 1:51 pm Comments Off on 2023



Newsletters for 2022

Financial members  may elect to receive their copy of the newsletter as an attachment or simply be notified that it has been posted on the web.

Sign in to this website and update your profile with your desired option.

Please note that all newsletters are in pdf format.
Your browser should be able to open these.

All links and email addresses in the documents should be “clickable” to take you to either the website being referred to, or to your email program to send an email.
Email addresses however are slightly disguised to prevent them being harvested by spammers.
Before hitting the send button to send your email, remove one of the @ symbols, and any spaces or quotes in the To: address.
If your computer is not set up to take you directly to your email program when clicking on a linked email address, simply copy and paste the address provided, replacing the “at”, and any spaces either side, with the @ symbol.

Jan *, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul *, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov.

* rest assured that despite the dates shown in these newsletter(s) the monthly meetings are at the normal times on the normal days of the week

 Posted by at 11:30 am Comments Off on 2022



Newsletters for 2021

Financial members  may elect to receive their copy of the newsletter as an attachment or simply be notified that it has been posted on the web.

Sign in to this website and update your profile with your desired option.

Please note that all newsletters are in pdf format.
Your browser should be able to open these.

All links and email addresses in the documents should be “clickable” to take you to either the website being referred to, or to your email program to send an email.
Email addresses however are slightly disguised to prevent them being harvested by spammers.
Before hitting the send button to send your email, remove one of the @ symbols, and any spaces or quotes in the To: address.
If your computer is not set up to take you directly to your email program when clicking on a linked email address, simply copy and paste the address provided, replacing the “at”, and any spaces either side, with the @ symbol.

Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov

Continue reading »

 Posted by at 1:51 pm Comments Off on 2021



Newsletters for 2019

Financial members  may elect to receive their copy of the newsletter as an attachment or simply be notified that it has been posted on the web.

Sign in to this website and update your profile with your desired option.

Please note that all newsletters are in pdf format.
Your browser should be able to open these.

All links and email addresses in the documents should be “clickable” to take you to either the website being referred to, or to your email program to send an email.
Email addresses however are slightly disguised to prevent them being harvested by spammers.
Before hitting the send button to send your email, remove one of the @ symbols, and any spaces or quotes in the To: address.
If your computer is not set up to take you directly to your email program when clicking on a linked email address, simply copy and paste the address provided, replacing the “at”, and any spaces either side, with the @ symbol.

Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, JunJul, Aug, SepOct , Nov

 Posted by at 4:52 pm Comments Off on 2019
May 162018

If you think you have missed out on our May newsletter, please check your spam / junk email folders.

One member has reported that the May newsletter email showed up with this warning on it:

I have no idea why but my best guess is that Spark is upset about the number of links in the newsletter – ie the helpful things that get you to the resources we are sharing with you!

I’d be curious how many people receive such a warning, just reply to the newsletter email if you received such a warning.

Please don’t mark our newsletter as spam or junk, and if it does end up in your spam or junk folders, please mark it as NOT Spam.

Remember that you can change your newsletter delivery preference from an attachment, to a notification that it has been posted on our website by logging into your account and changing the delivery  preference on your profile.


 16 May 2018  Posted by at 9:32 pm Uncategorized  1 Response »
Jul 212016

All financial members of Kapiti Genealogy should have received their copy of the July Newsletter, which is now also posted on our website under Communications.

If you’ve missed out, please check your spam folder, or log into our website and check the current email address we hold for you.

If neither of those options solve the problem, please Contact us so we can check what happened, or didn’t, as the case may be!

 21 July 2016  Posted by at 2:56 pm Uncategorized  No Responses »
Jul 172013

The July newsletter has been added to the Communications > Newsletters page.

Financial members will shortly receive their copy.

If you do not receive your copy please use the Contact us link to enquire further.

Perhaps you have not renewed your membership? Do you have the new 2013/14 pink membership card?

 17 July 2013  Posted by at 9:49 pm Uncategorized  No Responses »
May 232013


Our May newsletter has been added to the Communications > Newsletter > 2013 page of our website.

It has been sent to all of our members, and to those organisations and branches that we share newsletters with.

Remember that copies of other branch newsletters may be browsed at the APFHC.

All have snippets of interest in them and are well worth checking every so often.


This May newsletter is the last that will be sent to those who have not yet paid their 2013/14 subscription which became due 1st April.

The current pink membership card, is now the only valid card for people wishing to use our resources.

Renewal instructions are in the April and May newsletters, and on this website.




 23 May 2013  Posted by at 2:27 pm Uncategorized , ,  No Responses »