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Feb 212014

Papakowhai Road, Porirua

Thursday March 6th 10.30am

$5 or $3 Gold card holders

Kapiti Genealogy has arranged a guided tour of the NZ Police Museum. Apart from the general history of the NZ Police, you will be given information about what records are held at the Museum (or in some cases Archives NZ) and how to access them. The tour is approximately 30 minutes followed by free roaming with a guide available for questions.

We intend to car pool, however you can travel independently if you wish.

The museum needs to know numbers so if you would like to join this tour please email or phone Kathy kathycallaghan “at” gmail.com (ph 297 0733) or Frances at francesbraddick “at” gmail.com (ph 293 4194) by Monday 3rd March.

If carpooling then let us know if you are a driver or passenger and we will coordinate drivers with passengers.

As preparation for going it is advised you visit the Museum website http://www.police.govt.nz/about-us/history/museum


Kathy Callaghan and Frances Braddick

Programme and Activities

Kapiti Genealogy

Full Flier: Guided Tour of NZ Police Museum

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