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Jun 282012

This post explains how to change the file behind an existing link, if you have edit privileges.

Go to the page concerned and select Edit in the footer



Position your cursor at the beginning of the link/file to be updated


Scroll up and select the Upload/Insert button


Find, and select, the replacement file from your computer


Click Upload

Adjust the title to what you want the link to read


Click the “Insert into Post” button at the bottom of the screen.

Highlight the old link and delete it.

When satisfied with the result, click the Publish button on the right of the screen


 28 June 2012  Posted by at 3:37 pm How to , ,  No Responses »
Jun 282012

Your initial password will be advised once your registration is complete.

It should be changed at your first site log in by visiting your profile.

At the same time you may select a nickname that will be shown with any of your edits or posts, as opposed to your formal username.
NB login names are not case sensitive, but passwords are.

Go to the head/shoulders icon top right of the page

Select Edit My Profile

To alter the name associated with your posts, change the nickname, and if necessary, select it in the “Display name publicly” pulldown box.

Scroll down to the bottom and input, and verify, your new chosen password.

When finished editing, click on

at the bottom of the screen.

 28 June 2012  Posted by at 3:34 pm How to , ,  No Responses »
Jun 282012

Only logged in, registered, users may post or comment, but all such content is visible on the internet.

All financial members of Kapiti Genealogy are/will be registered with default information and their passwords advised individually once registration is complete. (See separate post about changing your password etc.)

Clicking on the +New above (top left of your screen) will open a list of items you are able to add.

Alternately, hover your mouse over Kapiti Genealogy to activate the menu shown above.

Both will open the new post screen.




 28 June 2012  Posted by at 10:17 am How to , ,  No Responses »
Jun 282012

Use a Post to start a “conversation” on a topic, adding a keywords from the content to the tag list bottom right of the screen so people can jump to the topics of interest to them.

Comments added to an existing Page or Post haven’t the ability to be tagged with keywords for quick access from the menu

 28 June 2012  Posted by at 10:13 am How to , ,  No Responses »
Jun 282012

How to add a page

    1. Decide where it will go in the menu structure before adding the title
    2. Change the parent menu item in the box in rhs from none to it’s parent
      If you don’t do this before naming the page the link to the page misses a level
    3. Add a short title suitable for a menu
    4. Add the content
    5. If a long page, provide a table of contents at the top linking to the headers by using anchors (find a link that explains this!)
    6. Add appropriate categories and tags in the boxes on the rhs so others can find the content.
      Category, the overall description of the type of content
      Tag, keywords within the content.
      The latter show up in the Tag list below the rhs sidebar for quick reference
 28 June 2012  Posted by at 9:56 am How to , ,  No Responses »