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Apr 112024

NZSG members may have noticed in their monthly e-Kit from NZSG that a Scandinavian Online Interest Group is starting up.

The first meeting will include a short presentation on naming conventions by their Norwegian member, Vidar. There will also be a discussion about what those attending would like to get out of these meetings.

When: Tuesday 16th April (time to be confirmed)

Where: Online on Microsoft Teams

Please register your interest in attending by completing this form which will be available until 4pm on the 16th. You will be sent a meeting link late in the afternoon of the 16th.

They also need a few people to help organise the group so please let them know if you can help. – email Sarah at nzsg.chair@genealogy.org.nz if interested”.
(As for a branch any interest group needs at least 10 members only some of whom have to belong to NZSG.)

 11 April 2024  Posted by at 4:47 pm Uncategorized   Add comments