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Jan 192020

Our 2020/21 financial year starts 1st April 2020.

New members should go to our Membership page and either apply online, or download and complete the application form available on that page.

Subscriptions remain at $25 for the year.

Those wishing to renew their membership may pay by internet banking to our bank account

BNZ 02- 0591-0040791-000

Please put your surname/membership number in the fields available so that your payment can be identified.

If you also belong to the NZ Society of Genealogists, please also provide your NZSG number.

Alternately, payments may be made by cheque, payable to Kapiti Genealogy, and posted to

Membership Secretary
Kapiti Genealogy
P O Box 703
Paraparaumu, 5254

or handed to a committee member at a meeting.

Allow time for the new (cream) card to be delivered.

The 2019/20 pink card will ceases to be valid for accessing our resources at the APFHC at the end of May 2020.

 19 January 2020  Posted by at 3:25 pm Uncategorized ,  Add comments