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Aug 062018

Since early July, the FamilySearch affiliate library images have not been accessible on any of the computers in the National Library’s Reading Room. The Reading Room is on level 1 the area which has the Library’s family history resources. You can still access other subscription sites Ancestry, Findmypast, The Genealogist, MyHeritage etc the National Library has, just not FamilySearch.

This problem is a result of FamilySearch no longer supporting the outdated browser (Internet Explorer) that these computers use to access the internet.  It is unlikely to be resolved for some time. We will inform everyone when the situation changes.

HOWEVER, you can still access the FamilySearch affiliate library’s images by bringing in a laptop or tablet (one that has a reasonably up-to-date browser) and connecting through the National Library’s free Wi-Fi network. Some Browsers that can be used successfully are Edge, Chrome, Safari and Firefox. There may be others.

You’ll be able to download images to your laptop. You won’t usually be able to download to an iPad, but you might be able to download to another brand of tablet (android).

Our FamilySearch Service volunteers are available to assist you, as our desk’s computer uses a browser that can access the images. Unfortunately you won’t be able to use our computer yourself. But we can still help you access the images on your own device – and we can email images to you if your device can’t download and you can supply us with the film number and image number.

  1. When bringing your laptop or tablet, please make sure it is up to date and your antivirus protection also.
  2. Bring your device’s power cable, in case your battery has a short life. There are plenty of power points around the Reading Room.
  3. It’s been found some iPads are unable to view the images. But give it a try – yours may be okay.

Jenny Martin and Christine Williams                                                                                                                                                                     FamilySearch Service at the National Library. Wellington

 6 August 2018  Posted by at 6:11 pm Uncategorized  Add comments