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Nov 032016

Legacy Kapiti – CHANGE OF DATE & VENUE

There has been a change of date and venue for the next Legacy Users Group meeting.

DATE : Saturday 3rd December
PLACE: the Senior Citizens Rooms, 45 Ocean Road, Paraparaumu Beach. (Now called the Ocean Road Community Centre)

Rooms open 12.30 pm to 5 pm Meeting from 2 pm to 4 pm

Normal meeting, not a workshop. ***

From 12-30pm bring your own lunch if you would like to eat with others before our last meeting for the year.
Tea and coffee available.

Actual meeting will start at 2.00pm as usual.

Cost: $2
A reminder will be sent later in the month to those on the Legacy mail list.
Apologies for having to change the date and place at such short notice.


 3 November 2016  Posted by at 2:06 pm Uncategorized   Add comments