Wednesday 24 August
“She signed the suffrage petition”
In 1893 nearly 32,000 signatures were obtained on a petition calling for New Zealand woman to have the vote. The women’s suffrage petition is one of the iconic documents in the guardianship of Archives NZ that will make up a new permanent exhibition at the National Library of NZ alongside the 1835 Declaration of Independence / He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga and the 1840 Treaty of Waitangi / Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
To give context and interpretation to the documents there will be an accompanying exhibition. This will include information about the suffrage petition and the women who signed it. The objective is to have a biography of at least one woman from each of the 567 pages of the petition.
If you would like to contribute to the project to write short biographies (100 to 200 words) of these women, join
Stef Lash, Archives NZ, and some of those who have already written biographies, to find out what is involved and learn about the resources that have proved most useful.
Venue: Tiakiwai, Lower Ground Floor (Aitken Street entrance)
Time: 12:15 to 1:00pm.
Numbers limited. Bookings required. Contact