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Feb 162015

Dear friends

Our 2015 programme of Family History Monthly Talks starts next week.  We hope you can join us.

Due to a hiccup or two in our plans we have had to make some date and venue changes for the talks.  Most will be in Tiakiwai on the Ground Floor, as usual, but the rooms are not always available on the 3rdTuesday of the month – instead it will be some time in the 3rd week of each month, February to November.  All will be at the usual time of 12:10 to 1:00pm.

Our first presentation is from Fiona Gray, Librarian in the Turnbull’s Research Enquiries team, on Tuesday 17 February 2015.  In her talk Fiona will focus on three important databases.

A taster – Searching and making sense of 3 useful Family History databases: (1) Ancestry Library Edition, (2) British Newspaper Archive, and (3) Find My Past

This presentation will be in the Co-Create area at the back of the Ground Floor (there will be staff there to guide you).  This year we are not going to take bookings for these sessions but do remember that under fire-regulations we have a maximum of 80 people in our venues and may need to turn away late-comers if we are full (it hasn’t happened yet – but we’ve been close!).

Another new and exciting addition to our programme is a series of Conservation Clinics that will be held after the talks every second month starting this month then April, June, August, and October. In these sessions the National Preservation Office Field Conservator, Vicki-Anne Heikell, will be available to offer you preservation advice on the care, handling and storage of your treasured family items.  Many of you will have met Vicki-Anne at the “Speed-dating with a conservator” or box-making workshops held last year.

The clinics run from 1:00 to 1:30 in the same venue as the talk. Bookings for these sessions are advised:  preservation@dia.govt.nz. Please note that conservators are not able to provide valuations.

We do have a draft programme of talks prepared for the rest of 2015 which I include here.  There may be changes so we will continue to send out notices before each event and please also watch the National Library website for other activities happening in the Library www.natlib.govt.nz/events

Date Who Topic Comments

17 February


Fiona Gray Subscription databases +Conservation Clinic

18 March


Trish McCormack / Glenda Gale Criminal records With Archives NZ
Monday 20 April


Joan McCracken Cenotaph database ANZAC Day link (Gallipoli 150)

+Conservation Clinic

Friday 22 May


Margaret Hurst Church / school records Also NZ Music Month

17 June


Panel Wellington city sources To tie in with Wellington 150

(26 July 2015)

ATL opened 1920 on 28/6/1920

+Conservation Clinic


21 July


Trish Beamsley Te Reo Mâori resources Te Wiki o te reo Mâori

27 July to 2 August


19 August


Jocelyn Chalmers “Funny old sources” Family History Month – see also below

+Conservation Clinic


15 September


Mark Bagnall Maps Wellington Heritage Month

Donor’s Day ca.14 September


20 October


Gillian Headifen The Marquette Anniversary 23 October 2015

Also Auckland Heritage Festival

+Conservation Clinic


17 November


Tracy Powell

Emerson Vandy

Papers Past updated

Family History Month (August) – as well as the monthly talk Imaging Services will offer another talk on digitisation of family collections and “behind the scenes” tours of Imaging Services.

We look forward to welcoming you to our Family History events this year.  If you have any comments – or suggestions for other topics we might cover in future events – please send them to ATLOutreach@dia.govt.nz

Ngâ Mihi


Joan McCracken | Leader Outreach Services

Alexander Turnbull Library | National Library of New Zealand Te Puna Mâtauranga o Aotearoa

Direct dial: 64 4 474 3056 |ext: 3056

Cnr Molesworth & Aitken Streets | PO Box 12349 Wellington 6144 | www.natlib.govt.nz

National Library of New Zealand is a part of the Department of Internal Affairs

 16 February 2015  Posted by at 12:15 pm Uncategorized   Add comments