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Feb 072013

Although our financial year doesn’t end until 31st March we traditionally begin accepting renewals from the beginning of February.
Your early renewal would be appreciated as it spreads the load on our Membership Secretary / Treasurer.

Subs remain at the bargain price of $20 per individual for the year (1 Apr 2013 through 31st March 2014) although the rental increases for this year may entail a review of that in the following year.

Rest assured the current blue  membership cards will remain valid for accessing our resources at the Alison Procter Family History Centre (APFHC) for some time yet, with the new pink ones also being accepted.

Payment may be made by cash or cheque (made out to Kapiti Genealogy) handed to a committee member at any meeting, or posted to P O Box 703, Paraparaumu, 5254

You may also use internet banking.

For the latter, log in (instructions here) to see the bank account details below this line.

If paying by internet banking, please remember to include your surname and membership number for identification purposes, preferably also emailing the Treasurer “at” KapitiGen.org to advise that payment has been made.

If also a member of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists, please enter your NZSG number in one of the payee/reference fields.

Please allow up to a fortnight for delivery of your new card, we don’t want to wear out Derek’s shoe leather as he traverses the district delivering out mail.

We look forward to your continuing membership and participation in our activities.


 7 February 2013  Posted by at 10:01 pm Uncategorized ,  Add comments