Kapiti Genealogy is officially the Kapiti Branch of the NZ Society of Genealogists (NZSG).
However, membership of the two organisations is separate, with many advantages in having membership of both.
Under the current constitution of the NZ Society of Genealogists, only those members of the Branch who are also members of the NZSG
- may be nominated as, nominate or second the nomination of, a candidate for election to the committee
- vote on any resolution at the AGM, or any Special General Meeting.
Your membership card therefore shows your membership status as either NZSG or Associate.
This distinction makes absolutely no difference to your treatment within the branch, eligibility for services provided, or your ability to volunteer in helping run the branch – only to the two points above.
The NZSG constitution is currently under review, and the relationship with Branches is likely to change.
We do however need to keep our current records up to date.
If you belong to the NZSG, please take a moment to review your profile (need to be logged in), and ensure that we have your NZSG membership number recorded accurately.
Likewise, if you no longer belong to the NZSG, please remove your membership number from your profile.